
There is a concept in computer security called an attack vector, which refers to specific points in a system from which an attacker can exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses. To explain this using an analogy of a house, someone could enter the house from various places like the door, window, or cat door. These are the attack vectors of the house. The concept of an attack vector is a type of totality, where totality refers to the complete or comprehensive nature of something, considering all aspects or elements. Achieving totality in real life is much harder. In the example of a house, a SEAL team could bust through the house by jumping down from a chopper. At this point, you might be asking what the point of being pedantic like this is because the concept of totality can be used as a thinking tool in different fields.

Let's imagine the components that affect a person's health:

  • Environment
  • Diet
  • Genetics
  • Habits

Then, a study reveals that there are bacteria living in your gut, and the type of gut bacteria is associated with different diseases and a person's health. It's like discovering a whole new attack vector that we didn't know about before.

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